Sunday, July 6, 2008

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Just a funny little blip : )

A few days ago we were in the car heading up to visit my Dad and it started raining. It was pouring buckets and when it hit the roof of the car it sounded like it was hitting a tin roof in a building so it was tremendously loud. The girls don't particularly like the rain to begin with so they really were not impressed with this. Callie started getting a little upset after a few minutes of the pounding rain and then said "Mommy, turn the rain off."

WOW, my daughter actually thinks I have the power to change the weather at my whim. First I thought slyly that this could be used to my advantage, hehe, but I am sure in no time she would find out the truth. Oh well : ) So I decided to tell her the truth and let her know that only God could turn off the rain, but I was sure that it wouldn't last too long.

It's amazing how our children go from thinking we are superman (or superwoman) when they are little to thinking we are dumb as bricks when they turn into teenagers. So I guess we should just enjoy this time and use it wisely because before we know it we will be the bricks.


Lauren said...

SO cute! I am really looking forward to Natalie talking.....

Tom & Julie said...

c'mon, you couldn't find a bridge to stop under?? ;)